Posted by on Apr 12, 2013 in Guests, Personal Blog, Professional Blog | 0 comments

The article below is written by my friend, Emil Huzu. Maia is a cheerful 4 years little girl from Iasi, Romania. Very curious in her nature and eager to learn, obstinately determined and contagiously positive, she loves music and dance, and adores admiring herself in the mirror attempting some dance moves while murmuring a song J She’s very creative with her Legos and reading books in her own language and recently she’s fascinated with Mickey Mouse and his friends’ world. Maia suffered a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) before she was born, on the night when Marina, her mother, has suffered a preeclampsia while being 37 weeks pregnant (preeclampsia is when a pregnant woman develops high blood pressure and protein in the urine). When Maia was 6 months old, the neurologist diagnosed her with right spastic hemiparesis, namely: sequelae AVC ischemic perinatal territory ACM left, right spastic hemiparesis, symptomatic partial epilepsy. This is a muscle tone and voluntary motor control disorder causing muscular imbalance in her right hand, arm and leg, causing her difficulty walking and speaking. Maia began recovery at the Children’s Hospital in their hometown Iasi immediately after diagnosis. When she was 8 months old, she suffered the first epilepsy attack and began treatment in Bucharest with injectable Synacten (containing cortisone, a hormone of growth) and anticonvulsant drugs (Depakine). Following this treatment, Maia and her mother went to Sibiu (400km away from Iasi) to start a therapy with Vojta method ( Progress was visible since early beginnings: when Maia was 13 months old, her motor development was significantly imbalanced compared to her ideal age-specific evolution, while after only few months of therapy she could walk on all fours and sit. She was 2 years old when she took her first steps, but her right foot could hardly touch the ground. Travelling to Sibiu for 2 weeks of therapy every 3 months, per hospital’s therapy scheme, was not sufficient for Maia’s steady recovery. For this reason, Marina rented a room and moved to Sibiu when Maia was 18 months, keen on Maia receiving daily therapy sessions for continued progress. In the autumn of 2012, together with the therapist, they also...

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